Mesquites: Similar and Different Volume 28 Issue 2

Mesquite Species: Similar and Different

Mesquites, collectively, represent an essential set of desert-adapted landscape tree species. Thornless, Native, Seedless, Honey, and Screwbean are the species familiar to most landscape architects, contractors, and landscape maintenance professionals. Among them they share a collection of shared qualities while retaining their individual uniqueness. Their respective visual impact, the presence or absence of thorns, the primary use of the landscape space, and other considerations will influence which species are most appropriate for a particular landscape application. Without exception, all these species shed varying quantities of leaves and seedpods and, mature and near mature trees will generate sufficient shade to reduce the growth and vigor of understory turf and flowering of understory shrubs.

Prosopis Thornless Hybrid ‘AZT’ is propagated from cuttings that were selected for the structure, rooting characteristics, branch angles, canopy density. Eliminating seed production, in favor of cuttings, brings uniformity to its appearance, growth characteristics, and proportional rooting to above ground growth. The complete absence of thorns has made it a cornerstone of the landscape tree palette.

Prosopis Seedless hybrid ‘AZT’ is, in essence Prosopis Thornless Hybrid ‘AZT’ without any seedpods. Also produced from cuttings its canopy structure and form are more dispersed than Thornless Hybrid ‘AZT’ as juvenile trees then matures to a dense, traditional canopy. It has a small (less than 18”), stiff growth at the base of about half the leaf petioles.

Thornless Honey Mesquite ‘AZT,’ Prosopis glandulosa thornless ‘AZT’ retains the willow-like appearance, delicate leaf canopy and grayish sculptural trunks of traditional Honey Mesquite without the presence of thorns. The uniform bud break of this ‘AZT’ clone, amplifies the effect of the showy early spring, bright chartreuse green foliage when trees are planted in groupings.

Prosopis velutina (juliflora) 'AZT™', Native Mesquite ‘AZT’ brings an upright, pedestrian-friendly form to this foundation tree of the Sonoran Desert. The uniform structure, open branch angles, and traditional leaf canopy greatly expand the use of this trees into other landscape applications like streetscapes, and parking lot settings.

Prosopis pubescens, Screwbean Mesquite is easily the least glamourous most underappreciated of the Mesquites. Largely viewed as a novelty for its novel seedpods, Screwbean is an excellent, moderately sized desert landscape tree. Its abundant thorns and dense canopy make it ideal for perimeter, security plantings, as an accent tree in more rustic landscape designs, and as a transitional tree from a landscape area back into undisturbed native desert areas.

Mesquite Species and Landscape Locations

Streetscapes: Prosopis Thornless Hybrid ‘AZT’, Prosopis Seedless hybrid ‘AZT’, Thornless Honey Mesquite ‘AZT’, Native Mesquite ‘AZT’, Screwbean Mesquite

Security: Prosopis Seedless hybrid ‘AZT’, Thornless Honey Mesquite ‘AZT’, Native Mesquite ‘AZT’, Screwbean Mesquite

Windbreaks: Thornless Hybrid ‘AZT’, Prosopis Seedless hybrid ‘AZT’, Native Mesquite ‘AZT’, Screwbean Mesquite

Transition back to Undisturbed Desert: Thornless Honey Mesquite ‘AZT’, Native Mesquite ‘AZT’, Screwbean Mesquite

Recreating Sonoran Desert Landscapes: Thornless Honey Mesquite ‘AZT’, Native Mesquite ‘AZT’, Screwbean Mesquite

Patio/Small Yards: Screwbean Mesquite

Planting in Turf Areas: Prosopis Thornless Hybrid ‘AZT’, Prosopis Seedless hybrid ‘AZT’, Thornless Honey Mesquite ‘AZT’, Native Mesquite ‘AZT’, Screwbean Mesquite

Planting in DG Areas: Prosopis Thornless Hybrid ‘AZT’, Prosopis Seedless hybrid ‘AZT’, Thornless Honey Mesquite ‘AZT’, Native Mesquite ‘AZT’, Screwbean Mesquite

Beside Water Features: Prosopis Thornless Hybrid ‘AZT’, Prosopis Seedless hybrid ‘AZT’, Thornless Honey Mesquite ‘AZT’ (a)

At Entry Monuments: Prosopis Thornless Hybrid ‘AZT’, Prosopis Seedless hybrid ‘AZT’, Thornless Honey Mesquite ‘AZT’, Native Mesquite ‘AZT’

Dense Shade: Prosopis Thornless Hybrid ‘AZT’, Prosopis Seedless hybrid ‘AZT’, Native Mesquite ‘AZT’, Screwbean Mesquite

In Drainages and Retention Areas: Prosopis Thornless Hybrid ‘AZT’, Thornless Honey Mesquite ‘AZT’, Native Mesquite ‘AZT’

Patio Restaurant Areas: Prosopis Seedless hybrid ‘AZT’

(a)  With the exception of Prosopis Seedless hybrid ‘AZT’, all Mesquites shed both leaves (relatively small) and seedpod, often in large quantities. The suggestion here is to their adaptability to this application and not necessarily their desirability.