2020 in Review Volume 26 Issue 10

A Look Ahead and a Look Back

Coming Soon: Volume 27 of

Arid Zone Tree-Mail

Arid Zone Tree-Mail/Arid Zone Times will begin its 27th year of publication in January 2021. Our goal for volume 27 is the same as it was for volume 1, to provide the professional horticulture community with current, relevant, and accurate information on the specification, planting, care, and maintenance of desert-adapted landscape trees. Many newsletter topics are driven by innovations and variety introductions, the emergence of destructive pests or practices, changes in regulatory policies, and the dynamics of the general marketplace and environment. Others come from you, our readers. This year, as in years past, we look to you and your colleagues for topics or questions you are confronting in your work and practices. Your suggestions help keep our content meaningful to an industry that is constantly changing.  Please feel free to offer suggestions for future newsletter topics at info@aridzonetrees.com or contact Kevin or Ed directly.

Website Update

Over the next several months, AZT will be updating and revising our website, www.aridzonetrees.com. As this process moves forward some of the content you are used to accessing or have bookmarked may be temporarily unavailable or simply moved to a new location within the site. We have archived copies of virtually every page, PDF, newsletter, and photo currently available on our site. If you need copies of any of this information contact Kevin at info@aridzonetrees.com or Ed at ed@aridzonetrees.com. We apologize for any inconvenience.

2020 Arid Zone Tree-Mail Topics

January           Blue Palo Verde Cercidium floridum (Parkinsonia)

February         Evergreen Elm, ‘Variety AZT’

March             Multiple Versus Single Trunk Desert-Adapted Trees

June                 Southern Live Oak, Quercus virginiana

July                 Growing a Desert Urban Forest

August            Small Stature Desert Landscape Trees

September       Effects of Summer Heat on Landscape Trees

October           Medium Stature Desert Trees for the Landscape

November       What's the Point of Thorns?