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Since 1982 the Southwest's premiere landscape architects and developers have relied on Arid Zone Trees to supply premium quality, desert adapted landscape trees to their projects. AZT is exclusively committed to growing and marketing trees that compliment the intrinsic beauty and diversity of the Desert Southwest. We currently have in production 59 species of trees and are continually evaluating trees from other deserts of the world for new species that will be in harmony with and enhance our unique natural surroundings. At our nursery, located on 160 acres, in Mesa, Arizona, we grow trees in 24"/25gal, 36", and 48" box sizes. With an inventory of over 90,000 trees, AZT offers its clients unparalleled selection of uniform trees in each box size grown.


Trees from Arid Zone Trees can be found in some of the West's premiere landscapes. With extensive experience providing trees to golf courses, commercial, municipal, and residential landscape projects, AZT offers clients a large inventory of quality desert trees. When projects demand superior desert trees, excellent selection and service, landscape professionals have always looked to Arid Zone Trees.


Disclaimer: The information provided here was gathered from research literature published by the University of Arizona, other professional Landscape and  Horticultural organizations and our experience at Arid Zone Trees. Always consult local landscape experts for recommendation for your specific area.

© Copyright  2000-2015   Arid Zone Trees